
Entry1  mihahaka
Root  2  hahaka
Part of speech  3  active verb
Explanations in Malagasy  4  [1.1] Miparitaka, miely: Mihahaka eny an-tsaha ny omby
Tsy mitombina fa mandeha etsy mandeha eroa: Mihahaka atsý sy arý ny saiko ~ Mihahakaha-kevitra loatra ianao
Explanations in English  5  [1.2] to scatter, to disperse
fig. to abuse, to vilify.
6  [1.7] to scatter, to be scattered
Explanations in French  7  [1.8] se disperser, s'éparpiller
Examples  8  ny fitia efa ho lany sy ny fitia efa hihahaka tsy mba itohizam-pangoka intsony. [2.131]
9  Andry zareo ireo ihany ireny andian' omby ireny, andia mihahaka tsy misy mpiandry, na olon-kafa. [2.472]
10  Present :
11  Past :
12  Future :
13  Imperative :
Proverbs  14  Proverbs containing the word mihahaka

Anagrams  15  mahahika, mihahaka

Updated on 2025/01/21